In the morning, Reese watches a show and I check my emails, facebook, blogger etc. He ran into the playroom that is off our kitchen and I heard him coloring on the chalkboard. Remember the AIRING out thing, yeah, well I should have known. Well, he came to me and was saying, "yuck" and pointing to his foot. I checked the TOP of his foot and everything seemed ok and he ran to keep playing in his playroom.
I saw him running into the living room where his potty was and thought to myself, "He is gonna do this and I will get the Mommy of the Year award for teaching my son to be potty trained before TWO". Then, I heard PLOP PLOP PLOP and Reese was standing up.........Then, with such excitement he raised his hands and said, "I DID IT". See...he picked up his poop and ran into the living room to PLACE it into the potty and to little Reese, mission was accomplished. It took 2 seconds to look down and see little poop foot prints everywhere! Footprints and plops of poop covered the hallway and carpet. But, atleast Reese DID IT!!! hahahaha!!! SO cute, but this Mommy is thinking that we will wait for potty training for a couple of months since cleaning up this morning was an hour project. I would have taken pictures but none of my friends would want to have their girls date Reese because it was such a think of little brown footprints and there you go!
Haha, I LOVE this story!! That is just too cute - you just never know what those little boys are going to do next!! =)
oh noooooooo!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha......the fun stories never end. Good luck with potty training!!!!
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