Tuesday, September 14, 2010

12 weeks and 5 days

(I LOOK ROUGH, just rolled out of bed and took this in Ginny's bathroom...dont judge!)

I am nearing the 13 week and I feel GREAT except for a little nausea here and there! SOOOO much better than where I was four weeks ago. YUCK! That was ROUGH! I still take my Zofran every morning to make sure the nausea stays away. The baby is almost the size of a peach, according to Babycenter.com, and looks just like a human! I find out on Oct. 6th, if it is a BOY or GIRL! I am soooo excited about this since the shopping and planning can begin! I eat ALL THE TIME and cannot get enough....this all started week 12. I cannot wait to watch my belly GROW GROW GROW~