Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No one was hurt in the making of this

These two adore each other sooo much....

Reading books is a favorite past time for my sweet loving kids
Sometimes they bicker....
And sometimes he STRIKES! (bites)
What Ginny has to endure..............

I am soooo behind on blogging but these pics describe the brother/sister rivalry! And, again, no one was hurt while capturing these vulture son (yes, we are going through a biting stage) did not harm his 4 year old sister!


Mary Beth and Travis said...

oh my gosh- these are too funny!!! I LOVE the 2nd one though!!!

Snider Family said...

We are in the biting stage too!!! She doesn't bite when she is mad or angry, she does it when she is excited! It's not really like a bite, but she opens her mouth and sinks her top teeth into you.

Adorable pictures, I love them!