A friend blogger wrote about her daughters nicknames and I thought I would share our crazy names.
Virginia Paige Rosenbaum (Ginny)
well....since she came into our lives at "toddlerhood" we didnt get to call her whatever we wanted since she would say right back to us, "My name is Ginny". SO...we dont have that many fun ones for her. Ginny is very proud of her name and if you say VIRGINIA, she will say that her name is JUST GINNY! The girl is serious! :)
-Sweet Pea
-Princess Pea
-Ginny Paige
-Love Bug
-Ruby (from Max and Ruby)
Reese Allen Rosenbaum
We are WEIRD, I know! But when you have a little rolly polly of a son...the names are endless! PLUS, he has always been a good pooper...so we have many names that pertain to his disgusting diaper duty! Here goes:
-Reeser Piecer
-Stinky McStinkerton
-Wittle Guy
-Whiny McWellington
-Stinker Shmells
And often in the house you can hear Ginny and I singing... "Your the shmelliest, your the shmelliest boy we know, boy we know!
Ok, so he really isnt that stinky...it is just sooo fun to call him these names and he cant fight back! Ha! He is going to KILL me later, but for now...he will be my
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sick Sick Sick

I have the dreaded stomach bug. Just when I thought it was gone for good...it came back, with a vengence. Allen was away for a MonaVie party and I sat in the bathroom hugging the toilet! I hate throwing up! Nothing was staying down. Just when I look at babies and think, "I miss being pregnant"...well, I dont....after feeling this feeling of nausea...I am good for awhile!!! It is crazy how you can fight through all the pain, knowing, you are growing this sweet baby inside of you...but to have it with NO CAUSE give me a break. I am the biggest baby, the world seems to be crashing down on me and I am well...dying! (haha, what my poor family has to endure during mommy's sickness). My son's HORRID diapers (since we added oatmeal to his diet) sets the nausea off big time! Therefore, it has been a wonderful break...Allen has been tackling the Diaper duty and he simply cant believe what can come out of a little baby! It is seriously crazy!
I dont have that much time to type....just wanted to share some photos of my sweet children. Hopefully this bug will pass. I think I am over the bad stuff...now just comes the tired feeling and that BLAH feeling that never goes away. I am sooo dehydrated and nursing Reese has been the biggest challenge...but we will get over that hump.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Too Cool for You Show
Okay, so Sarah Isdale..now Sarah Smith and I have been friends since we were VERY LITTLE! I have many memories...TOO COOL FOR YOU SHOW, having an olympic birthday party together, Her dad doing handstands (Yes, I thought that was awesome) playing that we were the girlfriends of the New Kids On the Block, Sarah telling me that she has NEVER EVER had a shot and for some reason that drove me NUTS..haha, thinking her brother Stephen was awesome and wishing I had a big brother, and the list goes on and on! SO MANY MEMORIES!
Anyway, now we have our own children to make sweet memories....I cannot wait to watch these boys grow up! Krosby is a doll! And well, his mommy, Sarah, is the same old Sarah.....one of those friends that is sooo easy, so fun! I cannot wait to get together again soon!
I applaud you!
Well, this Sunday was a new experience for me. Yes, I am pathetic, I will go ahead and admit it before I write everything I am about to confess.
This Sunday, March 1st, was Reese's first time in the nursery at church and YES, would you believe I cried. I prayed to God all through church that He would help me to focus on the wonderful sermon but all I could think about was my little man, how is was doing, did he miss me? Should I go rescue him? Should I check my number in case his number flashed on the screen? Was he making any new friends? (Ok, maybe that wasnt my worry so much, but you get it)
After the service was over, we went to pick him up...he was circled by all the teachers and they were just laughing at him while he sat smiling in his bumbo. Ok, so maybe that was easier than I thought.
I want to APPLAUD every Mommy that has to work. You are soooo strong and what you sacrifice for your kiddos is amazing! I know deep down inside you want to be home with your kids....but you sacrifice everything to provide for your children. I understand your heart ache when you leave them....I mean, I was only away for an hour and I wanted to rescue my son. I have a lot of girlfriends that work, and I just wanted to let you know you are soooo appreciated and I know that feeling you feel when you have to leave your baby....it isnt fun!
"May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience." Colossians 1:11
This Sunday, March 1st, was Reese's first time in the nursery at church and YES, would you believe I cried. I prayed to God all through church that He would help me to focus on the wonderful sermon but all I could think about was my little man, how is was doing, did he miss me? Should I go rescue him? Should I check my number in case his number flashed on the screen? Was he making any new friends? (Ok, maybe that wasnt my worry so much, but you get it)
After the service was over, we went to pick him up...he was circled by all the teachers and they were just laughing at him while he sat smiling in his bumbo. Ok, so maybe that was easier than I thought.
I want to APPLAUD every Mommy that has to work. You are soooo strong and what you sacrifice for your kiddos is amazing! I know deep down inside you want to be home with your kids....but you sacrifice everything to provide for your children. I understand your heart ache when you leave them....I mean, I was only away for an hour and I wanted to rescue my son. I have a lot of girlfriends that work, and I just wanted to let you know you are soooo appreciated and I know that feeling you feel when you have to leave your baby....it isnt fun!
"May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience." Colossians 1:11
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