We had planned for her to be induced on March 15th. Well, God and my doctor had other plans. Since EVERYONE and their dog was planning on being induced on the 15th, Dr. Westmoreland thought it would work out best if I went ahead and did it on March 14th. I went in to her office, she stripped my membranes- OUCH!, and then I was to come back up to Labor and Delivery around 2:30pm to get the process started.
We checked in and found out that Dr. W hooked us up and got us the V.I.P. room! The biggest room they had. We got to stay there the whole time after delivery as well. It was HEAVEN! They started my IV around 3:30PM and then the pitocin was given to me FULL FORCE at 4:30pm. I felt contractions until I was about a 4.5-5cm and BOY that was NOT FUN AT ALL! My nurse was very slow and didnt call the epidural in when I asked for it....UGH! As soon as the anesthesiologist walked in I heard angels singing and bright light
....I just knew I was going to be in heaven soon! I went from a 5cm to 8cm in about 2 hours.....Finley wanted OUT! I was able to watched the finale of the Bachelor and I was feeling good! We went ahead and started me on some Zofran since I was getting very nauseated....I think it was heartburn, nerves, etc but they went ahead and added it to my drip. Dr. Westmoreland came in about 15 minutes after my nurse checked me to be an 8 and in 15 minutes I was ready to have that baby! I went from an 8 to a 10 in 15 minutes. I could feel Finley moving down the birth canal...it was the oddest feeling. She was wanting to see the world and didnt waste time. I pushed TWICE and the nurse asked for me to stop so she could "rally the troops"....I was ready to have this baby. Dr. Westmoreland arrives and two pushes later I delivered the sweetest little baby girl! She was so tiny,
6 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches long. Her head was NO WHERE NEAR as big as Reese's and her body frame is totally different and petite! It was a BREEZE of a labor and I am blessed with a happy baby. She never ever cries......in fact, she cried 5 minutes when she was born and that is about it! She eats great! Breastfeeds like a champ and we are a great team. My milk came in on Day 3.....so we have been stuffing that little girls face. She poops like a mad man. The first day of life she went 8 times and I have yet to change a diaper that was just teetee. She is my little poop machine and I LOVE HER!